If you have any problem buying or using Crazy Stone, please contact
Unbalance, not me.
2016-03-21: Crazy Stone took the third place of the UEC Cup. It is considerably stronger thanks to deep learning. It reached 7d on KGS, and entered the KGS top 100!
2015-03-21: Crazy Stone won the UEC Cup, and lost a 3-stone game against Cho Chikun in the Densei-sen.
2013-03-17: Crazy Stone is in good shape: after winning four KGS tournaments in a row, it won the 6th UEC Cup.
2012-08-02: Crazy Stone played two H4 games against Catalin Taranu 5p during the European Go Congress. Crazy Stone won the first game, and lost the second game.
2011-11-26: established a solid 5d rank on KGS (see its rank graph).
The development of Crazy Stone was carried out using the Grid'5000
experimental testbed, an initiative from the French Ministry of Research
through the ACI GRID incentive action, INRIA, CNRS and RENATER and other
contributing partners (see https://www.grid5000.fr)
The development of Crazy Stone also used computational power provided
by the COCOA/FEDER project.