2.3. Vectors

Joedb stores each column of a table in a std::vector. This makes data manipulation efficient: a large column of a primitive type (float or int) can be read from or written to a joedb file with a single system call.

Joedb offers functions to allocate a set of consecutive rows in a table, and manipulate them like a vector. For instance, when using a database defined by this schema:

create_table float
add_field float value float32

It is possible to allocate and manipulate a vector of floats like this:

const size_t size = 5;
auto v = db.new_vector_of_float(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
 db.set_value(v[i], 0.1f * float(i));

v is a usual reference, and can be stored in a field of type references float.

The loop above will write vector values one by one. In order to efficiently write the whole vector in a single operation, it should be written this way instead:

db.update_vector_of_value(v, size, [](joedb::Span<float> value)
 for (size_t i = 0; i < value.get_size(); i++)
  value[i] = 0.1f * float(i);

This will perform a single large write of the data to the joedb file, which is more compact and efficient than writing each record one by one.

If a joedb file was created by a succession of different insertions and updates, then the storage of a column will not be contiguous in the joedb file, and loading performance will not be optimal. Optimal loading performance can be obtained by packing the file with joedb_pack.